Monday, February 4, 2019

Replacing FMGC on A320 Aircraft - Auto Pilot Computer Replacement

Today I've replaced the FMGC Flight Management and Guidance Computer on the A320 Aircraft.

This was due to the differed defect of the FMGC#2.

I started by opening the 824 door which contains most Avionics Computers.

And then I brought the new FMGC computer which will replaced the defected computer.

And then I started to loosen the screws to get the defected unit out.

And then I got it out and recorded its Part and Serial Numbers.

And then I started to cross load the software from the FMGC #1 into FMGC #2 to keep the software in the two computers identical.

And here is after the process has finished and the two computers were identical and worked normally in conjunction with each other.

 The FMGC is the computer that includes the Autopilot functions. It also includes the Flight Guidance and Management Functions.


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